Joint Degrees CMN


                       Biblioteca Jurídica IMG_1221


The mutual recognition of qualifications between different higher education institutions is a step towards greater collaboration with these centres of teaching. Because of their shared history in student exchange through the ERASMUS programme and the intrinsic interest and quality of their teaching and research, this brings with it an added value to the qualifications currently offered by the University of Murcia (UM) and the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT).  

In a bid to improve our students’ future prospects, both academically and professionally, Campus Mare Nostrum envisages in its plan of action the promotion of double degree programmes with overseas universities through the recognition of qualifications between the participating institutions.

Apart from the many interuniversity-degrees and joint degreees available both in UMU and UPCT, Campus Mare Nostrum has sought to promote Joint Degrees between UMU & UPCT as well as degrees with other Mediterranean Universities.