Se ha producido un error al procesar la plantilla.
The following has evaluated to null or missing: ==> httpUtil.getParameter [in template "10131#10164#6689952" at line 2, column 17] ---- Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it. ---- Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, ( ---- ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: #assign nodo = httpUtil.getParameter(... [in template "10131#10164#6689952" at line 2, column 1] ----
1<#assign url = portalUtil.getCurrentURL(request)>
2<#assign nodo = httpUtil.getParameter(url, "nodo", false)>
3<#if httpUtil.getParameter(url, "p_r_p_564233524_categoryId", false) != ''>
4 <#assign categoryId = httpUtil.getParameter(url, "p_r_p_564233524_categoryId", false)?number>
5 <#assign assetCategoryLocalServiceUtil = staticUtil["com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetCategoryLocalServiceUtil"]>
6 <#if categoryId != 0>
7 <#if assetCategoryLocalServiceUtil.getCategory(categoryId)??>
8 <#assign subcategory=assetCategoryLocalServiceUtil.getCategory(categoryId) >
9 </#if>
10 </#if>
12 <#assign categoryId = 0>
14<#if locale == 'ar_SA'>
15 <#assign locale = "en_US">
17<#if categoryId != 0>
18 <#switch nodo>
19 <#case "1">
20 <#assign parentcategory=assetCategoryLocalServiceUtil.getCategory(6536735) >
21 <div class="top_breadcrumb redID1">
22 <div class="icon shape1" style="background-image:url('')"> </div>
23 <span>${parentcategory.getTitle(locale)}</span></div>
24 <div class="top_sub_breadcrumb nodeID1">
25 <span>${subcategory.getTitle(locale)}</span>
26 </div>
27 <#break>
28 <#case "2">
29 <#assign parentcategory=assetCategoryLocalServiceUtil.getCategory(6536736) >
30 <div class="top_breadcrumb redID2">
31 <div class="icon shape1" style="background-image:url('/documents/6234852/6256708/icon2.png')"> </div>
32 <span>${parentcategory.getTitle(locale)}</span></div>
33 <div class="top_sub_breadcrumb nodeID2">
34 <span>${subcategory.getTitle(locale)}</span>
35 </div>
36 <#break>
37 <#case "3">
38 <#assign parentcategory=assetCategoryLocalServiceUtil.getCategory(6536737) >
39 <div class="top_breadcrumb redID3">
40 <div class="icon shape1" style="background-image:url('/documents/6234852/6256708/icon3.png')"> </div>
41 <span>${parentcategory.getTitle(locale)}</span></div>
42 <div class="top_sub_breadcrumb nodeID3">
43 <span>${subcategory.getTitle(locale)}</span>
44 </div>
45 <#break>
46 <#default>
47 <#assign parentcategory=assetCategoryLocalServiceUtil.getCategory(6536738) >
48 <div class="top_breadcrumb redID4">
49 <div class="icon shape1" style="background-image:url('/documents/6234852/6256708/icon4.png')"> </div>
50 <span>${parentcategory.getTitle(locale)}</span></div>
51 <div class="top_sub_breadcrumb nodeID4">
52 <span>${subcategory.getTitle(locale)}</span>
53 </div>
54 </#switch>
56<style type="text/css">.top_breadcrumb {
57 padding: 8px 6px 3px 11px;
58 }
59 .redID1, .imageredID1 {
60 background-color: #EB891C;
61 }
62 .nodeID1 {
63 background-color: #C16F1D;
64 }
65 .redID2, .imageredID2 {
66 background-color: #C7DD16;
67 }
68 .nodeID2 {
69 background-color: #97A90E;
70 }
71 .redID3, .imageredID3 {
72 background-color: #73C5EB;
73 }
74 .nodeID3 {
75 background-color: #5B9EBC;
76 }
77 .redID4, .imageredID4 {
78 background-color: #B07ED7;
79 }
80 .nodeID4 {
81 background-color: #8964A3;
82 }
83 .top_sub_breadcrumb {
84 padding: 24px 11px 22px 20px;
85 }
86 .top_sub_breadcrumb span {
87 margin-top: 5px;
88 color: white;
89 font-size: 17px;
90 text-transform: uppercase;
91 font-family: 'avant_garde';
92 font-weight: bold;
93 }
94 .top_breadcrumb span {
95 margin-top: 5px;
96 color: white;
97 font-size: 20px;
98 text-transform: uppercase;
99 font-family: 'avant_garde';
100 font-weight: bold;
101 position: relative;
102 top: 10px;
103 left: 10px;
104 }
105 .top_breadcrumb .icon {
106 background-size: contain;
107 display: inline-block;
108 width: 45px;
109 height: 45px;
110 }
Grupos de Investigación
Fisiología del estrés en las plantas
Departamento Ciencia y Tecnología Agraria |
Dirección PASEO ALFONSO XIII, 48 ,30203 Teléfono 968325542 |
Entidad upct Investigador Principal Antonio Asensio Calderón García |
Redes CMN asociadas
Conservación y producción de especies autóctonas en el mediterráneo
Aprovechamiento de subproductos y residuos
Antonio Asensio Calderón García