Grupos de Investigación
null Agua y agricultura en condiciones semiáridas
Agua y agricultura en condiciones semiáridas
Departamento Riego |
Centro Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura |
Dirección Campus Universitario de Espinardo ,30009 Teléfono 968396303 |
Entidad cebas Investigador Principal Juan José Alarcón Cabañero |
Relaciones entidades e investigadores participantes
Juan José Alarcón Cabañero. Profesor de Investigación del CSIC Mª del Carmen Ruiz Sánchez. Investigador Científico del CSIC Mª Jesús Sánchez Blanco. Investigador Científico del CSIC Juan Vera Muñoz. Científico Titular del CSIC Emilio Nicolás Nicolás. Científico Titular del CSIC Mª Fernanda Ortuño Gallud. Científico Titular del CSIC. Wenceslao Conejero Puente. Técnico Superior del CSIC. Mª Isabel Sánchez Toribio. Técnico Superior del CSIC. Oussama Mounzer. Investigador Postdoctoral Contratado del CSIC. Pedro Antonio Nortes Tortosa. Investigador Postdoctoral Contratado del CSIC. Francisco Pedrero Salcedo. Investigador Postdoctoral Contratado del CSIC. Sara Alvárez Martín. Investigador Postdoctroal Contratado del CSIC. Dolores Velasco García. Ayudante Investigación del CSIC. María García Abellan. Auxiliar Investigación del CSIC.
The main aim of this research group is to deepen our knowledge concerning the water status behaviour of plants to encourage innovation and transfer of technological expertise in the management and use of water in Mediterranean agrosystems. This general objective ìs achieved by the following partial objectives: Study of water relations and ecophysiological behaviour of species of special socio-economic interest. Establishment of new irrigation strategies to mitigate the effects of water shortages. Use of non conventional water resources for crop irrigation. Development of precision ferti-irrigation using indicators of the state of plant water stress. Study of the hydrodynamic behaviour of soil and its relations with plant root systems.
Redes CMN asociadas
Desertificación y uso eficiente del agua
Redes Mediterráneas de investigación
Juan José Alarcón Cabañero
Mª del Carmen Ruiz Sánchez
Mª Jesús Sánchez Blanco
Emilio Nicolás Nicolás
Juan Vera Muñoz
Mª Fernanda Ortuño Gallud
Oussama Mounzer
Pedro Antonio Nortes Tortosa
Francisco Pedrero Salcedo
Sara Alvarez Martin
Wencesalo Conejero Puente
María Isabel Sánchez Toribio
Environmental and Experimental Botany ,2012
Osmotic and saline effect on growth, water relations, and ion uptake and translocation in Phlomis purpurea plants.
Agricultural Water Management,2012
Transient soil salinity under the combined effect of reclaimed water and regulated deficit irrigation of Mandarin trees
Irrigation Science,2012
The viability of irrigating mandarin trees with saline reclaimed water in a semi-arid Mediterranean region: a preliminary assessment
Irrigation Science,2012
Effect of deficit irrigation on early-maturing peach tree performance
Irrigation Science,2012
Combined effects of water stress and fruit thinning on fruit and vegetative growth of a very early peach cultivar: assessment by means of a fruit tree model, QualiTree