Dentro del marco de la Cátedra de Medio Ambiente de la Autoridad Portuaria de Cartagena y del Campus Mare Nostrum, se ofrecen dos becas  con el objeto de complementar la formación académica,...

The Vice-Rectorate for Coordination and Internationalization and the Vice-Rectorate for Training and Innovation from Campus Mare Nostrum (CMN) and the International University of the Sea...

During 24-26th, April the fourth Arab-Euro Conference on Higher Education (AECHE 4) was being held at the Mohammed V University in Rabat where the role of universities and the collaboration...

In the framework of the fourth Arab-European Conference on Higher Education held the last week of April in Rabat (Morocco), the representatives of the University of Murcia: Bernando Cascales...

The III Regional Tourism Exhibition has been organized by the University School of Tourism, the University of Murcia through Campus Mare Nostrum and the Federation of Municipalities of the Region...

En el marco de la 4ª Conferencia Árabe-Euro sobre la Educación Superior celebrada este semana en Rabat (Marruecos), los representantes de la Universidad de Murcia, D. Bernardo Cascales Salinas,...

On Thursday, 27th April at 18.00 p.m. takes place a new session of the course History of Political thought and Social Movements organized by Mare Nostrum Campus at the Technical University of...

On 26th, April the University Social Centre organized the representation of the play “The Cold Age. Conversations with Antigone”.


The full amount obtained from the performance will go to a...

The inauguration of the VIII Regional Congress of Junior Researchers CMN-CARM was held on Tuesday, 25th April 2017 at the Faculty of Economics and Business (Location in Campus of Espinardo). This...

Esta semana los días 24 al 26 de abril, se está desarrollando en la Universidad Mohammed V de Rabat,  la cuarta Conferencia árabe-euro sobre la Educación Superior (AECHE 4), donde se está...