Creado 16/06/17
The number of students increased this year to just over the 30.600 in all types of degrees, that is, 300 more students than last year, according to the data presented by the Vice-rector of...
Creado 16/06/17
Espacios sociales de aprendizaje CMN en Feria de Bienvenida
05 nov 2012
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Creado 16/06/17
La Federación de Empresarios del Metal de la Región de Murcia (FREMM) organiza el próximo 15 de noviembre el VIII Foro de la Competitividad de la Industrial Metalmecánica.
En el evento se...
Campus Mare Nostrum will take part in the “European Conference” organized by the University of Haifa
Creado 16/06/17
Campus Mare Nostrum will take part in the “European Conference” organized by the University of Haifa, Israel. Delegations from Albania, Bulgaria, Italy and the UK, together with the Deputy...
Creado 16/06/17
Ya puedes consultar la Convocatoria Pública de Presentación de Proyectos de Actividades para la Universidad Internacional del Mar-Campus Mare Nostrum (Edición 2013)
Las propuestas se...
Creado 16/06/17
La Región, cantera de investigadores
25 oct 2012
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Creado 16/06/17
A Memorandum of Understanding between the University of Murcia and the UNICEF Autonomous Committee was recently signed in order to promote activities on the childhood and its rights. According to...
Creado 16/06/17
Las universidades de Murcia y Cartagena, a través de la Cátedra de Empresa Familiar del Campus Mare Nostrum, y la Asociación Murciana de la Empresa Familiar (Amefmur) han puesto en marcha la...
Creado 16/06/17
The European Commission has published "Science at the Service of Europe", an illustrated guide to the 2011 annual activity report of DG Research & Innovation.
Creado 16/06/17
Ignite100 accelerator aims to develop 'leaner, faster, stronger' startups
24 oct 2012
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