null 2014-2015 CMN-Innovation call for bilingual projects

2014-2015 CMN-Innovation call for bilingual projects

11 nov 2014

The ‘Mare Nostrum 37/38’ International Campus of Excellence at the University of Murcia is to provide 55,000 euro to foster the continued growth of bilingual degree and masters courses.

In the quest to respond to the needs to offer students arriving from bilingual high school courses the opportunity to continue their learning through a second language, the Campus Mare Nostrum 37/38 has for the fourth year running publish a call to foster and consolidate bilingual teaching projects (CONVOCATORIA PARA IMPULSO Y CONSOLIDACIÓN DE PROYECTOS DE DOCENCIA BILINGÜE EN INGLÉS DURANTE EL CURSO 2014/2015), which includes:

1) Consolidation and/or teaching of degree/masters courses
2) Preparation for teaching degree/masters courses
And, as subprograms:
1.1)    support to consolidate and/or teach degree/masters programmes in English which received funding for teaching in English during 2013/2014.
2.1)    preparation in the academic year 2014/2015 in giving degree/masters courses in English in 2015/2016.
Applications for this subprogram  imply the commitment to offer the relevant courses in English in 2015/2016.

Beneficiaries include: centres, departments, coordinators/directors of the masters course, and teachers whose proposals are supported by the Dean of the relevant centre as a global project.

The costs of financing this funding comprise, among others: exam fees for accrediting the level of the teachers involved; costs for materials (translations, bindings, purchase of set books and teaching materials in English); attendance at events/seminars/talks for the dissemination of bilingual activities and projects, and useful activities aimed at motivating, attracting and involving teachers and students; staff costs for linguistic support by native speakers in specific teaching actions and the preparation of teaching guides and other materials in English.

The call likewise envisages the provision of computer equipment for infrastructures devoted solely to the consolidation or total bilingual teaching.
All costs are to be finalized prior to 31July 2015.

Requisites for application are:

A proven B2 or above level of English for teachers currently involved in actions and a B1 level for preparation projects. Support for the bilingual project must also be forthcoming form the Board of the Centre of its competent body.

The deadline for applications is 26 November 2014, and all documents should be presented at the University of Murcia Registry Office.

The total amount of funding via this call at the University of Murcia is 55,000 euro.

The Regional Ministry for Education, Culture and Universities of the CARM will, through the General Direction of Universities, directly provide 32,000 euro as part of its commitment to fostering bilingual education in the Region of Murcia.