null Spain 2016: Our Social Reality
Spain 2016: Our Social Reality
26 abr 2016In 2008 the main macroeconomic markers had a negative evolution. It was the beginning of the global depression, which was the end of the Spanish dream of our welfare state, the one that was so hard to consolidate.
The depression had extended over and above the economy to the institutional, political and social fields, and lengthening more than seven year until the day of today. We know its consequences and we needn’t enumerate them, but we could emphasize a relatively unknown phenomenon until recently: the emergence of social movements which are aimed at changes in the economical and productive model, as well as challenging the political system, claiming for a democratic renovation.
Against this background, the Technical University of Cartagena and Campus of International Excellence Mare Nostrum are organizing these conferences under the name of “ ESPAÑA 2016: NUESTRA REALIDAD SOCIAL” (In English, Spain 2016: OUR SOCIAL REALITY), intending to carry out the analysis of some of the various dimensions and variables that conform the social structure of Spain, deeping in the identification of social issues and the social change developed, focusing in the triggered phenomena following the depression from 2008 to present.
Cartagena, April 2016.
Round-Table discussions schedule.
Thursday the 14th April at 19:00 (7:00 pm).
Social Security Discussion
- Mr. Fulgencio Gil Jódar, Senator of the popular parliamentary group.
- Mr. Francisco Javier Oñate Marín, Senator of the labour party parliamentary group.
- Mr. Javier Sánchez Serna, Representative of the parliamentary group of Podemos in the Congress of Representatives.
- Mr Miguel Garaulet Rodríguez, Representative of the parliamentary group of Ciudadanos in the Congress of Representatives.
Thursday the 21th April at 19:00 (7:00 pm)
The migration in the Region of Murcia: Issues and Needs.
- Mrs. Verónica López García, managing director for Families and Social Policies of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia.
- Mr. Pedro López López, Coordinator of the CEPAIM foundation center in Cartagena.
- Mr. Abderrezzak Drioua Garouite Intercultural Social Mediator and coordinator of “MURCIA ACOGE”, Cartagena Delegation.
- Mr. Mohammed Kebaili, Territorial Coordinator of ACEM Murcia.
Monday the 25th April at 19:00 (7:00 pm)
Agreement for Education?
- Mrs. Ascensión Carreño Fernández, Representative of the popular parliamentary group in the Congress of Representatives.
- Mrs. Luz Martínez Seijo, Representative of the labour party parliamentary group in the Congress of Representatives.
- Mr. Javier Sánchez Serna, Representative of Podemos parliamentary group in the Congress of Representatives.
- Mr. José Luis Martínez González, Representative of Ciudadanos parliamentary group in the Congress of Representatives.
Thursday the 28th April at 19:00 (7:00 pm)
A Pressing Problem: Poverty in Spain
- Mr. Sebastián Mora Rosado, General Secretary of Cáritas Spain.
- Mrs. Almudena Escorial Senante, responsible for Institutional Relations of Save the Children
Tuesday the 2nd May at 19:00 (7:00 pm)
The media as democratic safeguard
- Mr. Gregorio Mármol Pérez, Director of the newspaper “La Verdad” in Cartagena.
- Mr. José Aperazena Armiño, Publisher of the electronic Newspaper “ El Confidencial Digital”
- Mr. Francisco Rivas Nadal, Director of News of “Onda Cero Cartagena”
- Mr. Salvador Sánchez Soto, Journalist of RTVE.
Wednesday the 3rd May at 19:00 (7:00 pm)
The Spanish Army in the light of the agenda Women, Peace and Security
- Colonel Mr. Fernando Izquierdo Sans, Head of the Permanent Secretariat for Equality of the Ministry of Defence.
- Mrs. Esther Zamorano Escolano, Assistant-Director General for Studies and Cooperation of Women Institute and for the Equal Opportunities (IMIO by its spanish initials)
- Mr. José Lorenzo Outón, Area Manager of the Office of Human Rights of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.
Thursday the 5th May at 19:00 (7:00 pm)
The Unions in the light of the social and political change.
- Mrs. Mª Carmen Barrera Chamorro, Secretary of Social Policies, employment and security of the UGT
- Mr. Francisco Camarillo Gómez, National Secretary for action if CSI-F
- Mr. Carlos Bravo Fernández, Confederal Secretary for Social Protection and Public Policies of CCOO.
Thursday the 12th May at 19:00 (7:00 PM)
The contribution of Police 3.0 to the Security in Spain
- H.E. Mr. Ignacio Cosidó Gutiérrez, General director of Police.
Monday the 16th May at 19:00 (7:00 pm)
Answers and Needs for an humanitarian crisis: Refugees.
- Mr. Esteban Beltrán Verdes, Director of the Spanish section of Amnesty International.
- Mr. Faustino Herrero Huerta, Autonomic Vice-president of Red Cross in Murcia.
Tuesday the 17th May at 19:00 (7:00 pm)
How is Our Social Reality?
- Dr. Fernando Jiménez Sánchez, Political Scientist (University of Murcia)
- Dr. José Sanmartín Pardo, Political Scientist (University of Alicante)
Wednesday the 18th May at 19:00 (7:00 pm)
REGION OF MURCIA 2016 “What has changed?”
- Mr. Víctor Martínez-Carrasco Guzmán, Representative of the popular parliamentary group in the Regional Assembly of Murcia.
- Mr. Emilio Ivars Ferrer, Representative of the labour party parliamentary group in the Regional Assembly of Murcia.
- Mr. Óscar Urralburu Arza, Speaker of the parliamentary group of Podemos in the Regional Assembly of Murcia.
- Mr. Miguel Sánchez López, Representative of the parliamentary group of Ciudadanos in the Regional Assembly of Murcia.
Directors of the Congress
Vice-Chancellor for Students and University Extension.
Agent of the Rector for Campus of International Excellence Mare Nostrum.
Coordination and information
Juan José Piñar
Extensión Universitaria (University Extension) of the UPCT (Technical University of Cartagena)
Rectorado (Rectorate). Plaza del Cronista Isidoro Valverde, CP 30202 Cartagena.
ECTS Credits
Registered students will obtain 1 ECTS Credit, equivalent to 25 presential learning hours. The assistance must be at least the 80% of the conferences.
10 Euros.
Register for the obtention of the certificate
Until the 14th April 2016 in Unoversity Extension of the UPCT (Rectorate), or through the website the indication in the register of the code of the course: 16/176 and the remittance of the safeguard are required required, alongside the register to Extensión Universitaria, Rectorado. Plaza del Cronista Isidoro Valverde, s/n 30202 Cartagena.