null 14th Edition of the Master Course Official in Biology and Technology of Mammals Reproduction

14th Edition of the Master Course Official in Biology and Technology of Mammals Reproduction

24 mar 2017

Shortly, the 14th edition of the Master Course Official in Biology and Technology of Mammals Reproduction will take place for the academic year (from October 2017 to September 2018).

The Master of 60 ECTS is distributed in 30 compulsory subject, 12 optative subjects and a total of 18 credits between External Practices (Practicum) and a Final Master’s Dissertation, claims to meet the training needs of an expert in Biology and Technology of reproduction with two possible directions: Professional and Research.

The Master will be taught in Spanish and English. Besides, an intermediate B2 level in Spanish and English is most recommended.

The Teaching Staff is composed by a broad and selected list of University Academics and Scientists, not only from the University of Murcia, but also from other Universities around the world, as well as from Research Institutions and Private Companies (see Participating Institutions and Partners).

Duncan, the French professor  from the American University of Northwestern will give lessons in the Master Course in Biology and Technology of Mammals Reproduction at the University of Murcia, Spain.
Dr. Duncan, Director of the Center for Reproductive sciences at Northwestern University in Chicago (USA), has been awarded a Fulbright scholarship in cooperation with the University of Murcia and the Mare Nostrum Campus.

During her stay of 3 months at the University of Murcia are going to develop teaching and research activities in the field of Reproductive Biology, while allowing to open new collaboration projects between both universities.

The pre-registration started on 10th March and will be available until 28th April at:

Further information:

Master-leaflet: /documents/6234852/6258271/Master-leaflet-17-18.pdf/c7544f5d-d966-49f0-8a32-1bc54efc19aa