null Week Science and Technology

Week Science and Technology

30 nov 2012

The Week of Science and Technology (SeCyT in Spanish) is an event promoted by the European Commission since 2001. It takes place all over Europe during the month of November and aims at presenting to the general public, and in an attractive way, the reality of science and the people who make it possible.

This year, Murcia celebrates the 11th edition of SeCyT, organised by the Council of Universities, Enterprises and Research through the Seneca Foundation.  As traditionally, the University will take part in this new SeCyT edition.

Dates and times:

  • Friday from 17:00 to 21:00 h
  • Saterday from 10:00 to 14:00 h, and from 17:00 to 21:00 h
  • Sunday from 10:00 to 14:00 h

Avenue: Botanic Garden in Malecón (Murcia).


1. Launch of hot air balloons

§         SECyT aerial view

  • A probe in the stratosphere
  • Water proof balloons

2. Science and Music

  • Guitars, drums, trompets…there’s a scientific reason for any sound, reasons to be discovered here.

3. A great deal of Science

  • The most successful activities of past editons will be exhibited again. Catapults, sheaves, giant periscope etc…

4. Thermography

  • Measure of body temperature.

5. Vehicles and sustainable mobility:

An exhibition of sustainable vehicles

6.The red weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier (1790), our palms first enemy

7. Recreative Mathematics

o                Regular and irregular patchwork

o                The Moebius band

o                Detector codes

8. Playing with food

o                Heathy menues

o                The food aroma.

o                Antioxidants

o                Energy balance


9. Towards a sythesis of sustainable biofuels and aromas

10. The New Culture of Light

12. Recreational Chemistry

13. Sustainable Campus

14. Recreational Physics – The jounglers of the Physics

15. Heritage of human genetic features

16. Microscopic beings, a world plenty of possibilities

17. Presentation of the Association of Young Researchers of Murcia (AJIUM)

18. Programming of mini-robots

19. Funny computing


1. Exhibition "The energy"

2. Exhibiton "Malaespina"

3. Exhibiton "Hubble"


Contact and further information:

Universidad de Murcia
Unidad de Cultura Científica-PRINUM
Edificio Rector Soler 1ª Planta 
Campus de Espinardo 
+34 868 88 8027 / 8636


Semana de la Ciencia y la Tecnología 2012. Murcia
Semana de la Ciencia y la Tecnología 2012. Murcia