null Spanish painter Pedro Cano: 9 Mediterranean cities
Spanish painter Pedro Cano: 9 Mediterranean cities
20 jun 2012The Spanish painter Pedro Cano (Blanca, Murcia) offers his personal view on the Mediterranean cities of Alexandria, Cartagena, Istanbul, Mallorca, Naples, Patmos, Sicily, Split and Venice
The exhibition “Nine Mediterranean Seas”, officially opened last Friday by the mayoress Pilar Barreiro in the temporary exhibition hall of the Fundación Teatro Romano, holds the last pictorial cycle of the Spanish painter’s, Pedro Cano. The Mediterranean Sea, invisible as it is in this exhibition, is nonetheless the backdrop of the pictures, which are inspired by the painter’s travels and contemplation of the Mediterranean cities. Figures like Alexander The Great, lighthouses, the sea salt, the wind, the tuna or the pulps are some of the protagonists in the pictures.
The exhibition is organised by Fundación Teatro Romano of Cartagena, together with Fundación Pedro Cano, and it is sponsored by the Town Hall of Cartagena, the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia and Cajamurcia Foundation, with the collaboration of Polytechnical University of Cartagena and the University of Murcia.
Opening time: From 15 June to 15 September. Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00h. to 20:00h and Sunday from 10:00h. to 14:00h.