null International Campus of Excellence Network established for marine issues

International Campus of Excellence Network established for marine issues

27 ene 2012

This network is comprised of 14 Spanish universities which form part of the four marine international campuses of excellence that participate in this network, namely; the Campus do Mar (promoted by the Universities of Vigo, Santiago, and A Coruña, CSIC and IEO), the Campus Mare Nostrum (Murcia, and the Politécnica de Cartagena), the Campus Atlántico Tricontinental (Las Palmas, and La Laguna), and the CEIMAR made up of the five Andalusian coastal universities (Cádiz, Málaga, Huelva, Almería, and Granada), the Moroccan Abdelmalek Essâdi University, and the Portuguese Algarve University. There is a sum total of 10,000 researchers involved and the network shall permit work in a wide area of marine studies ranging from navigation and shipbuilding to aquaculture, coastal zone management, knowledge of assets, and the search for new energy sources. The exchange of students, lecturers and researchers to carry out new projects are the other objectives for the creation of the CEI.MARNET network.


Ramón Ruiz en CEIMARNET
Ramón Ruiz en CEIMARNET
Ramon Ruiz
Ramon Ruiz