null Resouk 2012 Student and young researchers' multiconference

Resouk 2012 Student and young researchers' multiconference

17 abr 2012

Be part of the Mediterranean RESOUK multiconference Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18 by joining our virtual strand here.

The topic of this year is Bridging Gaps in the Mediterranean Research Space.

Recent pressures to expand higher education and the current economic crisis have also led to a significant decrease in the quality of education and research in universities, and there is an apparent lack of coordination between universities, colleges, and other technical training establishments. As a result, while the number of graduates from the different stages of education is increasing, they lack in most cases the core competences and relevant skills needed in a knowledge economy.

In terms of the human potential—and particularly regarding researchers—, we can see that, despite possible reservations with regard to quality, the human potential becoming involved in research is on the rise. We cannot say the same in the field of R&D expenditure, where the gap between the two shores of the Mediterranean remains high. And we must speak similarly about scientific production, which clearly confirms the cognitive gap between the aforementioned Northern and Southern Mediterranean countries.

Promoting access by professionals and researchers from different areas of study to greater contact with other approaches implies the advancement of a deeper and more genuine examination of key questions articulating relations between Europe, the Maghreb and the Mashrek, such as political and economic rapprochement, international migrations, security matters, growing interculturalization, environmental problems the Arab Spring, and scientific exchange. All these questions make clear the growing interdependence of the three shores, and the multiplicity of factors involved in Mediterranean relations which cannot therefore be analyzed or studied in isolation, because the Mediterranean is a single whole, diverse but integral at all levels and in all areas of analysis. This will be the main theme of this year's Research Souk.

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