null Agricultural Ground Water use: legal and institutional perspectives from semi-arid regions in a changing climate
Agricultural Ground Water use: legal and institutional perspectives from semi-arid regions in a changing climate
06 mar 2012Campus Mare Nostrum, in collaboration with the European University Institute, is organising a workshop on legal and institutional perspectives from semi-arid regions in a changing climate.
This workshop is part of the efforts of Campus Mare Nostrum to contribute towards the debate of scholars and universities to boost a more efficient use of water resources. The Academic Platform launched last November 2011 is part of this very same effort.
The workshop is coordinated by Prof. Santiago M. Álvarez Carreño, of the Department of Administrative Law of the University of Murcia and is addressed to degree, master's and doctorate students. It will take place next 20 March in Salón de Grados of the Faculty of Law, from 9:00h. to 14:00h and from 16:00 to 20:30h, being the programme as follows:
- 9’00 h.- 9’30 h.: Opening session
- 9’30 h.- 10’30 h.: Conference: "Climate change and water resources. Legal Considerations". Mr. Antonio Embid Irujo. Professor of Administrative Law (University of Zaragoza).
- 10’30 h.- 11’30 h.:Conference: “Ground Water, Irrigation and Law”. Mr. Pedro Brufao Curiel. Professor of EU Administrative Law (University of Extremadura)
- 11’30 h.- 12’00 h. Coffee-break
- 12,00 h.- 13,00 h.:Conference: “Underground Water Governance”. Prof. Elena López-Gunn. Senior researcher of the Observatory of Water of Fundación Botín. Senior Visiting Fellow in the London School of Economics. Associate professor (Enterprise Institute, Madrid)
- 13,00 h. – 14’00 h.: Paper presentation
- 16,00 h.- 17,00 h.: Conference: “The total economic value of underground water". Mr. José Miguel Martínez Paz. Faculty of Applied Economics (UM). Secretary of the Water Institute and Environment. Coordinator of the Master TAYGA (UM)
- 17,00 h.- 18,00 h.: Conference: “Overexploitation and better sustainable use of underground water”. Mr. Francisco Delgado Piqueras. Professor of Administrative Law (University of Castilla-La Mancha)
- 18’00 h. – 19’00 h.: Conference: “Agricultural activity and pollution of underground water: legal system”. Mr. Santiago M. Álvarez Carreño. Faculty of Administrative Law (UM)
- 19,00 h.- 20,00 h.: Paper presentation
- 20’00 h.- 20’30 h.: Closing ceremony
Free registrations. Registrations on: