null Erasmus Mundus 2 to fund CMN mobility actions in the Mediterranean

Erasmus Mundus 2 to fund CMN mobility actions in the Mediterranean

22 oct 2011

The main aim of EU Mare Nostrum is to contribute to the chanllenges proposed in the TCs’ plans of development and National Indicative Plans (focused in the development of the technological and the industrial world) as well as to meet the needs and constraints resulting from the geographical proximity of the countries involved (environmental, political and social shared problems). Academically speaking the project aims at the promotion of joint degrees between the TC and the EU institutions and to the emergence of innovative degrees in the TC institutions.

The project objectives will be achieved by upgrading the TCs human resources firstly in some of the technological and industrial common fields of interest for both Mediterranean shores –Mediterranean naval&maritime technology, the agro-food sector and the field of Economics and busines (environmental studies as a transversal issue)- and secondly in the field of Political and Social sciences. The promotion of joint degrees wll be accomplished by a moblity scheme which favours the recongition of oversea studies, while allowing the complete training of students at postgraduate level in the fields which their home universities do not offer nowadays.

The European universities which will take part in EU Mare Nostrum are the Univesidad de Murcia, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Universidad de Minho (Portugal), Universidad Técnica de Riga (Letonia), Instituto Sciences Po de Lyon, Instituto Internación de Comercio y Desarrollo (Francia), Universidad de Vilnius (Lituania), Universidad Tecnológica de Lublin (Polonia), Universidad de Messina (Italia).

In the North of Africa we find the University Moulay Ismaïl, University Mohamed I, University Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah (Marruecos), University Abdelhamid Ibn Badis de Mostaganem, University Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou, University of Orán (Argelia), Universidad Manouba, University of Gabés and the University of Tunisia.

Some other partners are CEPAIM, CARM, Fundación de Desarrollo Sostenible, Grupo Compostela de Universidades, Universidad de Alicante, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Euromed Permanent University Forum, Casa Mediterráneo, EMUNI, Universidad Internacional de Chipre, Homo-Faber, AMICIS and the Agencia de Desarrollo Social.

This action will go on for four years and has been awarded 3,199,450 EUR.

