null Cancelled the call for grants to attract international students from foreign universities to the summer courses of the University of Murcia 2019-2020

Cancelled the call for grants to attract international students from foreign universities to the summer courses of the University of Murcia 2019-2020

06 may 2020

Dear undergraduate, master and PhD students,

First of all, we would like to thank you for the interest you show every year in the call to attend summer courses at the University of Murcia.

In view of the initial declaration of the state of alarm on March 14th, 2020 for a period of fifteen days, extended on several occasions, and given the uncertainty of being able to guarantee the face-to-face activity at this moment of the courses of the Universidad Internacional del Mar 2019/2020 year, we have been forced to suspend the call for "grants to attract international students studying at foreign universities in the Campus Mare Nostrum.”

This call could be relaunched later in 2020 if the conditions initially expected for face-to-face learning and security in international mobility are met. If this were the case, students already registered on the call's platform would be informed if they were still interested.

We trust that you will understand the adopted measure, regretting particularly any inconvenience this decision may have caused you and thanking you for the effort and interest shown. We hope to be able to continue offering you this opportunity in future editions.

Attached is the Rector's resolution R-352/2020, which cancels the call for grants.

To access the news published about the call and documents, we provide you the following links from the Campus Mare Nostrum website:

Traslation carried out by the trainees Patricia Peñaranda Tello y Carmen María Sánchez Vidal, Studies “Grado de Traducción e Interpretación de la UMU”