null VIII Regional Congress of Junior Researchers CMN-CARM

VIII Regional Congress of Junior Researchers CMN-CARM

28 avr. 2017

The inauguration of the VIII Regional Congress of Junior Researchers CMN-CARM was held on Tuesday, 25th April 2017 at the Faculty of Economics and Business (Location in Campus of Espinardo). This Congress was aimed at second-year students of Bachelor of Research and International Baccalaureate, teachers entitled to these lessons learned and Research Tutors of the UPCT, CEBAS, IMIDA and UMU.

The aforementioned Congress intends to promote the vocation of the student towards scientific, social, humanistic, technical or artistic research to foster students’ ability to reasonably elaborate, present,argue projects and research results, as well as to foster relationships among students, the Bachelor of Research and International Baccalaurate teachers, and research, innovation and development teams for the purpose of joint researches.

They are part of the organization by the University of Murcia, the Vice-rectorate for Students, the Vice-rectorate for Coordination and Internationalization, and the Vice-rectorate for research, and  by the Ministry of Education and Universities of Region of Murcia, the General Directorate of educational quality and the General Directorate of educational planning and Human Resources- CPR Region of Murcia.

The University of Murcia in the framework of the International Campus of Excellence and the Autonomous community of the Region of Murcia encourage and foster with this activity the interest in scientific, humanistic, technological and artistic research of high school students from our Region.