null Accepted proposals: update. MED-SOUK: I CMN International Conference for Young Researchers in the Mediterranean

Accepted proposals: update. MED-SOUK: I CMN International Conference for Young Researchers in the Mediterranean

14 oct. 2013

Dear participants in MED-SOUK: I Campus Mare Nostrum International Conference for Young Researchers in the Mediterranean,

Thanks for your interest in this new initiative. We are excited that 200 researchers have submitted their poster proposals to our website, that's why our Scientific Committee has been so busy these days.

Unfortunately, we won't be able to accept all proposals and that's why some of your abstracts have been turned down to the dismay of all of us involved. However, there's plenty more to do in the conference: talks, round tables and workshops are open to all you, young researchers, out there. So, hurry up and register before it's too late.

Acceptance notifications are sent as soon as the scientific committee evaluates the proposals. By Tuesday 15, all accepted proposals will have been notified. Participantion in this conference is subjet to your registration, so plese do register now here.

Details concerning the format of the posters are availble on our website (CFP and abstract submission menu). Please stick to the deadlines there. Further information will be submitted as the conference closes in.

Thanks again and very much look forward to meeting you all soon.


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cartel jovenes cientificos22.indd (1)