null CMN presents the internationalization actions in Tallinn University
CMN presents the internationalization actions in Tallinn University
18 févr. 2013
The University of Murcia & Campus of International Excellence 'Mare Nostrum 37/38' will take active part in the International Staff Training Week (IW) at Tallinn University, in Estonia, from 18 to 22 February.
In this framework, CMN will present its project, "a very important one aiming at linking universities, research centers, companies & other partners in the Euro-Mediterranean area", while trying to enhance relationships with EU Universities.
As the main topic of the Week is "Sharing best practices in internationalization", the University of Murcia & the Technical University of Cartagena will present Campus Mare Nostrum as a example of good practices, particularly with regards the promotion of Crossborder Campuses, joint degrees, UNIMAR-CMN Summer School, VIMUR Programme (helping foreign students to find residence), PADRINO Programme, International Welcome activities (IW, Erasmus Network Spain, culture, sports...) and other services offered by the CMN Universities to international students and researchers.
European Universities from Greece, France, Italy, Turkey, Macedonia, Belgium, Finland, Latvia, Poland, Estonia, and Spain will be present this International Week too.
Tallinn IW is organized in the framework of the ERASMUS Staff programme and is supported by the EU.
(CMN presentation attached)