null Press Release Triptolemos Foundation Agrofood Network
Press Release Triptolemos Foundation Agrofood Network
The University of Lleida has hosted the Triptolemos Foundation Board Meeting. It has attended the president Mr. José María Sumpsi (former deputy director of the FAO), the Vice President Mr. José Luis Bonet (President of Alimentaria trade show, Fira of Barcelona and Spanish Chamber of Commerce) and Mr. Francesc Torres (Rector of the Technical University of Catalonia) together with Mr. Roberto Fernández (Rector of the University of Lleida and President of CRUE), as well as, around thirty representatives of universities, companies (Vedeqsa, Freixenet, Betara, Nestlé) and institutions (CSIC) of the whole territory.
Issues and activities in progress and for the future have been addressed, for example:
- Events in Alimentaria and Food Tech Barcelona 2018 tradeshows.
- Presentation of the 8th Guide for Innovation in Food System.
- Symposium “fake news: consequences for companies and customers”.
- Interviews and attendance to conferences of its 26 universities.
- Grants for Doctors mobilities with the signed agreement with “la Caixa” Banking Foundation,
- International scope of Foundation activities.
- Relations with companies.
- UNESCO Chair events on “Science and innovation for sustainable development: Global Food Production and Safety”.
- Activities of the 17 Campus of Excellence Network with Agro-food Activity (RED CEIAA), with the attendance of the President and Rector of the University of Córdoba Mr. José Carlos G. Villamandos, among others. On behalf of the University of Murcia, Mrs. Pilar Garrido, general coordinator of Campus Mare Nostrum.
Before the Foundation Board Meeting, the plenary session of the RED CEIAA was held. In this session, the study proposal of interactions between companies and campuses (coordinate with the CRUE) was presented with the drawing up of the “Gastronomic Science White Paper” and the campuses international projection.
Triptolemos Foundation was created in 2002 and since then, it develops a food system overview with the aim of revitalizing and inspiring confidence. Moreover, Triptolemos Foundation firmly trusts a sustainable and balanced society (the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals). This one would not be possible without any social, sustainable and balanced food system.