null New multimedia repository at the University of Murcia

New multimedia repository at the University of Murcia

23 oct. 2012

The University of Murcia has launched a new on-line multimedia repository gathering a complete collection of digital documents.


Beyond live broadcastings, the new repository offers the university members the possibility of publishing teaching contents and learning pieces, institutional events, training courses and news related to the University of Murcia. Among others, some of the RESOUK conferences were already published.


The contents are distributed into different channels, organized per learning topics following the UNESCO classification.

The University staff will be able to access the tv site, through their e-mail account, and to publish their own teaching contents, to issue comments and to asses the contents, to authorise their video downloads or announce broadcastings etc…and to create links of these contents on their Virtual Classrooms.

Simultaneously, a multimedia support service has been made available to the university staff so that they can get information and ask for help when designing accomplishing multimedia activities (recordings and/or broadcastings, videoconferences in personal computers or in a hall, video-tutorials, publication of contents etc…).




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