null Boletín 30 abril de la red de universidades del Mediterráneo UNIMED
Boletín 30 abril de la red de universidades del Mediterráneo UNIMED
07 mai 2020La red a la que se adhirió la Universidad de Murcia en diciembre 2019 informa a las 127 universidades socias sobre la oferta de cursos Euro-Mediterráneos online, proyectos de movilidad y dialogo intercultural (Sagesse, Esagov, EduBioMed) y concurso ETF Award de escuelas y universidades para la innovación en el aprendizaje y la enseñanza, entre otras acciones. Destacamos el llamamiento a estudiantes UMU para participar como jurado internacional en la 4ª edición de los premios UNIMED del 77º festival internacional de cine de Venecia.Plazo límite para envío de Cvs a CMN: 19 de mayo 2020.
UNIMED Newsletter
April 30, 2020
Highlights // COVID-19
Online Resilience: collection of Online Learning Stories during COVID-19
We have created an online space aimed at collecting stories from the UNIMED members and the wider community on how you are coping with the present emergency.
We are collecting many stories, experiences and tips: Thank you!
To read the stories, to share your experiences or to comment the contributes already shared, follow this link.
Next Appointments & Calls
Open Online Course: Euro-Mediterranean Intercultural Trends
Do you want to better understand the different cultures of the people around the Mediterranean and the values they hold? Are you a social worker or researcher working in intercultural settings? A student dealing with intercultural subjects? A school teacher facing multiculturality in your classroom?
If you answered yes, you should check the open online course Euro-Mediterranean Intercultural Trends, produced by the Anna Lindh Foundation and UNIMED.
The course will start on May 12th, 2020 and end on June 8th, 2020
Register here by May 7th, 2020
The Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange launches two new courses
The Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange is launching 2 new Interactive Open Online Courses providing youth with the opportunity to learn both with and from their peers across cultural contexts and national boundaries in facilitated online meetings alongside relevant skill-building activities and dynamic content provided by expert academics and practitioners.
Have a look at the courses, their plans and deadlines to apply:
‘Countering Hate Speech’ from 18 May to 19 June
‘Sustainable Food Systems: A Mediterranean Perspective’ from 25 May to 24 June
Take part to the 4th edition of the UNIMED Award at the 77° Venice International Film Festival!
UNIMED is glad to launch the 4th edition of the UNIMED Award, a collateral prize to the Venice International Film Festival to be assigned by a jury of international students coming from UNIMED associated universities.
The 77th edition of the Venice International Film Festival will be held from September 2nd to 12th, 2020 and we invite you to involve students from your university to be part of this international jury. Deadline to send students' CVs is May 25, 2020.
This 4th edition will be subject to the evolution of the current Covid-19 epidemic and to what is laid down in the next government decrees. At the moment the event is confirmed without any change.
ETF Award: schools and universities’ competition for innovation in learning and teaching
In the framework of the cooperation with the European Training Foundation (ETF), UNIMED is glad to inform that an award competition open to all VET schools and universities is launched by ETF.
The objective of the initiative is to gather good practices in teaching and learning skills for the development of Digital Competences.
UNIMED Projects
Mobility and Intercultural dialogue on air!
In the framework of UNIMED SubNetwork Mobility and intercultural dialogue, a series of webinars has been organized, as a weekly appointment, from the 2nd to the 23th of April.
The significant participation, the quality of the debates and exchanges experienced during these four webinars will encourage UNIMED and the members of this SubNetwork to reflect and implement other activities for promoting mobility and dialogue and going through the physical borders and restrictions we are currently facing. This aspect has been stressed by Mr. El Sharif and Mr. Scalisi presenting the common ALF-UNIMED initiative, in time of: “#Covid-19: Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue and Cooperation must continue“.
SAGESSE project: state of the art and next challenges
The project SAGESSE - Improving Governance in the Higher Education System in Tunisia - aims to modernize the higher education system in Tunisia by strenghtening its quality assurance system, governance mechanism and results-based funding.
Despite the current health emergence which affects all of SAGESSE’s partners and all the world, the planned activities have been established by the partnership for the coming months by once again demonstrating the attachment and interest in this project.
ESAGOV project: state of the art and current activities
The ESAGOV project aims to improve and strengthen quality assurance at Algerian universities by supporting them in defining their institution and strategic plan. The project intends to act at these different levels, while building on the achievements and experiences of Algerian universities.
As part of the project activities, a report on the state of the art of Algerian universities in terms of quality assurance approach, self-assessment and definition of their institutional plan, has been produced through a comparative survey, the analysis of literature and existing regulatory provisions, through the organization of focus groups and qualitative interviews. This report thus presents the governance frameworks and practices existing within Algerian universities.
One year has already passed from the EduBioMed project Kick-Off Meeting! Discover right now the activities that took place in the framework of the project since then and the opportunities this project renders possible.
The first newsletter of the project EduBioMed has been issued and it is accessible here.
If you don’t want to miss the next newsletters, subscribe now!
In the framework of the cooperation with the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), UNIMED is participating in an interesting initiative on Reinforcing the Innovation-Employability Nexus in the Mediterranean (UfM RI-EN) launched by the Union for the Mediterranean, together with the German Development Cooperation.
The UNIMED members of the SubNetwork on Employability will also participate in the online events.