null New international mobility call for internationational students. Grants and courses may suffer changes due to covid-19. Open until 19 April 2020 + extension (time of the alert state).Be attentive.

New international mobility call for internationational students. Grants and courses may suffer changes due to covid-19. Open until 19 April 2020 + extension (time of the alert state).Be attentive.

23 mars 2020

We are delighted to inform you that the NEW international Mobility Call of Campus Mare Nostrum (CMN) of the University of Murcia “Grants for the attraction of international students who study in foreign universities in the area of influence of CMN during the academic year 2019-2020” is already open. Deadline: 19 April 2020. This date will be extended the time of the alert state (minimun one month).

40 Grants of 500€ each + the enrollment to one course of the enclosed list



  • Students who have achieved 120 credits in their first cycle education (degree or similar), master or doctorates students.
  • The courses will take place in the months of June, July and September 2020 and they will have an average duration of 25 hrs (3 days) in the Region of Murcia.
  • Different topics to choose from: Health Sciences, Arts, Social, Economic and Legal Sciences, Experimental and Environmental Sciences, Humanities and Technical.
  • An appropriate level of Spanish (Minimum B1 required). This year, we offer two bilingual courses Spanish-English; to choose one of these, students must have minimum B1 English.
  • For the application form the student must firstly apply online on and later send this to us with the required documents.

Documents to send:

1. Application form sent online, printed and signed.

2. Copy of the passport.

3. Academic certificate of the studies, according to levels (see point 3 of the call)

4. Certificate of being enrolled this year 2019-2020 at a foreign university.

Both certificates’ originals (points 3 and 4) must be in Spanish, English or French, sealed by the department or university; in case of Arab, an official translation is required.

5. Certificate of level language (minimum B1 Spanish or English) according to the courses chosen from the list course (Anex I).

Here you can see the full document and the summer courses list 2020.

Further information:

About the grants:

About courses and villages where they take place:   

To follow the call and following resolutions at: